My parents moved from a little house in Topsham to a century-old farmhouse on 24 acres in Brunswick, Maine when I was in the third grade. In the old days, the home had been owned by the Rush family, famous for selling fruit and vegetables in town.
Shortly after we moved in, my mother ran across a deep thicket of raspberry bushes. I don't know if you have ever had the opportunity to pick raspberries in a long-overgrown thicket, but let me tell you--it was bliss. The stalks of the bushes themselves were a good 10 inches around at the base they were so old. And the fruit--amazing. Much like they did on Little House, my mother and sister and I would go and pick raspberries, filling our tin pails and baskets until they were tumbling over with fruit. My sister and I could actually sit underneath the bushes they were so big, and sit we would, for hours while we stained our lips and fingertips with the bright red juice from the berries.
My favorite memory from picking raspberries would be the muffins my mother would make right when we got home. Hot out of the oven she would slather each half with good old Kate's Farmhouse butter and we would dig in. It is funny that I can't remember details from my senior prom, or my first date, but I can remember exactly what those muffins taste like.
Unfortunately, that thicket of pure raspberry-gold is gone, long since bulldozed to make way for urban sprawl. Those prized bushes were on a section of the old Rush farm property that was across the street from my parent's house, and they could not afford to buy it with their 24 acre parcel. Had they been able to, I know I could bring James home to Maine in the summer and get him a little tin bucket and he could go picking to his heart's content.
oops - spelled traipse wrong...sorry.
Ah the sweet thought of just goin' to Costco and buying a nice fresh little plastic container of juicy, sweet, fresh raspberries that I didn't have to trapse outside and get my clothes stuck to all the thorns that are on the bushes and then have to watch where I am walking as to not step in bird poopy stained a red color......ahhh, yes, raspberries...
Ahhh raspberries and I have had a long time affair. I too as a child had raspberry bushes. My mom and I would head out early in the morning to pick buckets o' berries. We would just blow the bugs right off and eat away.
Then in the garden at Darin and I's first house we had raspberry bushes. That is one of our most fond memories of our first house. Going out first thing in the morning and eating them right off the bush all warm and yummy.
aahhhh the sweet and glorious memories!
No need to be a smart ars!haha
Costco although probably very yummy are NOT blissfully warmed be the sunshine. NOR can you pluck said sunshiney raspberries and pop straight into your salivating mouth. AND I never once saw red bird poopy in the sunshine patch. I have however seen birds inside Costco who could easliy poopy on those little plastic containers of juicy, sweet, fresh raspberries.
Remember Big Rascal used to eat the berries right off the bushes, like he was one of us kids??? Mom always said he was a little boy in a dog suit...
yes yes yes...too bad for Gini...what country do you think those berries came from...what kind of human or other fertilizer do you think were used on them??? Ane to take it a step further...who handled them...were they illegal aliens...were they clean??? maybe they had some disease or maybe they coughed all over them.... would think someone who is so concerned with the "sell by" dates wouldnt purchase fruits from the store...especially where that stuff is probably grown pretty near year oh my...some people have no memories at all...and yes...all day I have been thinking of Rascal eating those berries off the fact I even told that story to Beezus...she just kept snoring...its still a great memory Allison....and warm and sweet on a cold and snowy day....thanks for sharing!!!
OK, Gini--you can't tell me that you grew up in the beautiful Connecticut countryside and haven't come away with some kind of love for nature? Come on!! I know you better than that!
Jer--do you think we can grow our own raspberries here in NV? Maybe like patio cherry tomatoes?
Amy--OMG that is something that I HAD forgotten that about Big Rascal! Now THAT was a great dog's life, eh?
Mom--So nice to see you! I hope all of that snow you are getting up there isn't freezing you out! Thanks for all of the great memories you gave Amy and I!
I don't know but I am going to look into it because Darin said he is selling them at his store. Raspberry and Blackberry plants. yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
You do know I make raspberry jam Yes? and Peach. and Raspberry/peach
excuse me I think I'll go have some now
OMG I hit 9 comments today! That is a FIRST!! YAHOOOOO!!!
make that 10!!!
make that 10!!!
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