Monday, January 7, 2008

Our Low-Key Weekend

As you know, we have not been feeling too good around here lately. I took James to the Doctor on Friday afternoon for a fever, only to find out I had one myself. (After the nurse took his temp, she told me I looked flushed and so she took mine.) Guess what? Yup, I had a fever too.

Chris has also been sick--sore throat, coughing, headache, and I have had a tummy bug, so we laid low this weekend. That was until Chris saw a Food Network show on Carnegie's NY Deli and their famous pastrami sandwich. So--we went. Why not contaminate everyone with our germs?

I hadn't been able to eat much that day, and I was worried that when the sandwich came to the table I might have to make a run for it. Funny thing was, when it came, I got SOOOOO hungry! Here it is:

I know. Can you BELIEVE IT??? Sorry Jerolyn, that might just make your Widowmaker sandwich look like a kid's meal entree. HA HA.

Here is James drinking the first milk he has felt like having in almost a week:

And two more cute ones of James feeling better. YAY!!!

Sometimes the best weekends are spent at home, snuggling with your family and getting better. I should do that more often!


Jerolyn said...

Are you kidding me?? What did you order 1/2 a pig???

Gini said...

Finally, somebody posted. My head is so congested I can't even THINK what to post about. Nice sangwich.

Jerolyn said...

ok so how was it? I looked this resturant up and it got fairly poor reviews??? What did you think?

Allison said...

It was GREAT. We loved it!

Tara said...

I've been to the one in Manhattan and it's awesome! Those sangies are ridiculously huge. Did you try the MASSIVE cheesecake? Mmm...

Anonymous said...


AMY said...

I think he looks totally "Allison" in these pics... Sometimes his big brown eyes remind me of the ones you had when we were little kids. I mean, you still have them and everything...