Last year James and I planted a garden together, and unfortunately there was too much rain for a good crop of anything other than Basil!
We had a great time talking about how things grow, why plants need water and sunlight, and where seeds come from. James asked me why we weren't planting actual tomatoes, instead of seeds. Tee hee!
James had a great time filling the egg carton we used with soil, but the tomato seeds were a little too small for his toddler fingers to get a good grip on. We had about 30 seeds in total, so I am hoping to get at least a few good seedlings from our little science experiment!
Apparently every good gardener must stick out their tongue at the completion of a project!
We found a nice sunny spot that would be safe from Ella and Henry. I just adore the look on James' face in this photo. A little boy, excited for what's to come.
Hmmm . . . I guess since I just started some seeds indoors, and there are Crocuses in bloom and the Forsythia are budding it is time for a new blog header!! Bye bye Winter--Hello Spring!
I am so pleased that the seeds are going to such good use! The waiting is the hardest part.
Can't wait to see the progress!!
I am hoping to plant something with my kids this year. I am so clueless about gardening!
I need to remind dh to stick out his tongue when he's done planting something! LOL! James is so cute, I want to give him a big hug.
Can't wait to see your new header!
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