Friday, November 2, 2007

Dis-I Mean Un-Organized Mess

I am feeling a little overwhelmed/disorganized/mildly insane today.

Today is one of the first times that I feel like I can't do it ALL. For those of you out there who have had a child, or two, or three . . . you know how to roll with it. For us relatively new to juggling it all, these initial terrorizing thoughts that we might not be able to handle it all without a nanny/housekeeper/laundress/cook/personal shopper can be alarming.

I remember when I was helping a friend put together a PowerPoint presentation when James was 9 months old. She was marvelling at how I am able to work from home and take care of James at the same time. She said that her two-year-old would be climbing all over her and her desk while she was trying to work. I shrugged it off like it was never going to be a problem for me. Did I mention that James was 9 months old at the time?

This is the reason why I have been getting up earlier and earlier to get my "job" done . . you know, the one that helps pay the bills?

Here is a glimpse into my day today. Indulge me, please. I know it is a long post. (And I clearly could be doing other things, but here goes):

1. upload 20 page conference program book from designer in PA, edit, check separations, gutters and bleeds, send to online print vendor for a 500 qty, 4/c, full bleed, saddle stitched, 80# cover text with aqueous coat finished piece (by noon)

2. post a comment on Jerolyn's blog while I could be doing #1

3. get floor plan and elevation for new PA office space and obtain vendors and quotes for window clings, floor displays and general signage for property

4. field volley of ball-throwing coming over my desk from James and then put him in bed for a nap

5. translate printed newsletter into online version complete with logos, photos and links for office IT person to proofread

6. check to find out how many posts Gini had in October compared to me (DANG IT! She had 30 and I had 27! Who got you blogging anyway??!! You should back down on the posts, girl.)

7. finalize ordering of Holiday office cards

8. answer 27 work e-mails (11 of which are forwards of surveys, jokes, urban legends or silly pictures) come on folks--STOP IT

9. ignore Jame's yelling "Da da! Da da!" from upstairs until I hear him yell "Ma ma! Ma ma!"

10. begin 2008 Resource Catalog copy

11. change several diapers, feed lunch to, play with and generally provide for the general happiness and welfare of and the child and dress him appropriately and pack bag for overnight at Auntie Gini's

12. take a flippin' shower, do hair, put on makeup and dress appropriately for first big corporate evening out with Chris' boss and a vendor from out of town that has made dinner reservations at a totally upscale and swanky place for 10 people (did I say ten? Did I say swanky? Did I mention that I have nothing to wear?)

13. Drop child off at Gini's and swing by pharmacy to get prescription to keep from having more children as I obviously have more on my hands than I can handle right now and I am TOTALLY OUT of pills as of the day before yesterday N I C E

Plus . . .

I haven't cleared up the dinner mess from last night, as Chris and I stared watching Fracture, this AWESOME movie with Anthony Hopkins and by the time it was over I couldn't bear the thought of cleaning up . . .

My nook counter looks like a cyclone came through (eh hemm . . .Chris, that is your area of responsibility . . .)

My desk is a complete disaster area . . .

Laundry? Did someone say laundry??

The house hasn't been vacuumed since the housekeeper was here on Monday . . .

And you know what? In the end, I know that it will all get done. And done well. I love my crazy, messy, disorganized, FULL life!


Gini said...

Let me just post a quick note: GREAT POST and VERY FUNNY. I need to up my posts to stay ahead of to MY blog......buh bye

Jerolyn said...

Don't you mean posted 4 times on Jers blog whilst you could have been doing something else? I LOVE IT!!!

Denise said...

I do NOT know how you people with children stay sane!! Even on your worst day, you still seem pretty damn good to me. xoxo

Jerolyn said...

p.s. did you take that photo of yourself? that is funny!

Life of a Banana said...

that's usually me!!!