Sunday, November 4, 2007

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Have I mentioned lately how much I love, adore cherish, and treasure my son?

Because if I haven't said it lately, I really, really, really, really do!

Here are some cute photos taken from this past week. (Which just FLEW by, by the way!)

James playing with my Halloween costume. Now, if that didn't have me just laughing like crazy, I don't know what could!

Here he is being all super cute at lunchtime, and pretending to eat a grilled cheese sandwich, while all he was really doing was pushing it around his plate.

Nice foot, bud.

Here he is watching Dragon Tales on PBS. I am repeatedly saying "James, James, James, look at the camera James, please???"

He is NOT listening to me. I am not even there as far as he is concerned. Unless I know how to turn into Cassie the pink dragon, he is definitely not going to acknowledge me.

This kid LOVES bacon. CRAZY.

Hey Mom, is there any more bacon in the pantry? Or dragons? Or witch hats?


Life of a Banana said...

garrin taught james the foot thing!!!

Jerolyn said...

bacon and james are both yummy!

Gini said...

Love him, too!!!!