Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Love in A Jelly Jar


James and I headed out with his pre-school class yesterday to a local farm. There was a hay bale maze, a hayride, the kids picked turnips and fed them to some oxen, and they also picked pumpkins.

The highlight of the trip for me was when James and I headed to the little country store that the farm family runs. They sell all of their own goods, including preserves, honey, maple syrup, salsas, and a variety of hand-sewn items. I left with a few things, including their red raspberry preserves.

This morning I wanted to have the jelly on toast. When I opened the jar, I was greeted with pure, homemade, LOVE. That smell—of plump, red raspberries, just picked in the heat of July—it was fabulous. The smell and the flavor of this little jar or preserves evoked a flood of memories of my Mother. I smiled while I ate every bite of my toast.

Thank you, Hurst Family Farm. You don’t even know how much love you packed into this little jar!


Jayne said...

Smiling.... I love how you soak in every detail of your life Allison. :c)

alice c said...

Isn't it amazing how evocative a smell can be. My mother always used Ambre Solaire sun oil when we were children and I only have to take the cap off a bottle to be transported back to those happy days on the beach.