Friday, September 19, 2008

Sassy, Saucy, Zippy, Creamy & Cheesy!

No, these aren't the four long-lost cousin's of Disney's Seven Dwarves, it's what's for dinner!


Let me explain.

My Mom sent me a couple of vintage cook books last year and I was reading through them this morning, looking for some quick and inexpensive one-pot meals. The books are from the Campbells Soup Company and were published in 1975.

YUP. 33 years ago. Chris and I were sitting at the table this morning laughing over some of the names of the entrees, which are really, ummmm . . . IMAGNIATIVE.

I wouldn't say that any of them sound appetizing.

Here are some of my faves:

"Spunky Ham Bowl" -- doesn't that make you want to upchuck?

"Sassy Beef & Noodles" -- ooh, la la, baby, what's your sign?

"Spread-a-Burger" -- aahhh, no coment on this one

"Lightening Spaghetti" -- would that be a lightening fast trip to the bathroom after dinner?

"Tuna Clam Tempter" -- umm, oh yeah, that sounds tempting, but no thanks, I'll pass.

"Fanciful Franks" -- you know, I always think of franks as fanciful!

"Saucy Liver Strips" -- that's just gross.

"Rum Tum Ditty" -- what the heck is that?

"Shrimp Surprise" -- no surprise here when I tell you I won't be eating it!

"Creamy Tuna Mold" -- ok, I am throwing up in my mouth.

"Flaming Bean Soup" -- who exactly is this recipe written for?

"Cock-a-Leekie" -- again, no comment

"Two-Way Casserole" -- ummm . . . no, I'm not going to say it.

And here are some of my favorite photos from the cook books.

How about this for dinner. Is that SPAM???

Hey honey, we're having a head of cauliflower for dinner. Can anyone think of a good name for this one?

Here is Chris' favorite (of course). Might this be "Fanciful Franks"? All I can say is "Mmm ... mmm YUM-O!"

And here is a pic of me serving up tonight's dinner:

After which we are hitting the disco. Has anyone seen my blue eyeshadow?


Jerolyn said...

Hey Allison, My sister-in-law has a current recipe book with a recipe in it for Lumpy Dick. According to the book this dish is kin to the infamous "spotted dick."


Stephanie said...

I am dying! two way casserole...HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.


Kim said...

that is a riot!!

alice c said...

You are a Mother with two young children - you shouldn't be writing outrageously funny posts like that!

Chris said...

i like how the hot dogs are kind-of sweaty looking...

Kim said...

Those sound like some tasty treats!

Gini said...

disgusting. how in the world did that cookbook ever make cooking appealing??

Tara said...

I might have thrown up a little bit after reading that. The worst pic was of the hotdogs sitting in some...some...stuff...

Andy & Katie said...

I think I woke Claire up laughing so loud!